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CamSur police named best performing provincial police drug enforcement unit

By Ana-Liza S. Macatangay NAGA CITY --- Pursuant to President Rodrigo Duterte’s marching order to the Philippine National Police (PNP) to assist and provide active support to the government’s war on drugs, the Camarines Sur Police Provincial Office (CSPPO) has added another feather on its cap with its intensified anti-drug operations. The CSPPO under the leadership of Police Senior Superintendent Jerry F. Bearis, CSPPO Provincial Director, was adjudged by the National Police Commission (NPC)- Philippine Drug Enforcement Group as the Best Performing Provincial Police Drug Enforcement Unit for 2018. CSPPO received the award at the Camp BGen Rafael T Crame in Quezon City last June 25. On the same day, the Philippine Drug Enforcement Agency (PDEA) Bicol Regional Office thru the agency’s acting Regional Director Christian O. Frivaldo, handed over a Plaque of Recognition to the CSPPO in cognizance of its unwavering dedication and significant support given to PDEA. CSPPO was lauded as the Police Provincial Office (PPO) with the Most Number of Accomplishments in Double Barrel Alpha, awarded with Special unit Plaque and has been recognized as Over-all Top Performer in the entire Police Regional Office 5 for the region’s wide implementation of OPLAN Double Barrel: Reloaded. The unit’s numerous anti-illegal drugs operations also covered Supply and Demand Reduction activities thereby topping other PPDEUs in terms of accomplishments. "We will strengthen our collaboration with various law enforcement agencies, local government units and other stakeholders down to the grassroots level. We will not stop until our desired vision for a peaceful community is finally realized ," PSSUPT Jerry Bearis was quoted as saying. Bearis expressed his gratitude to the men and women who compose the PPDEU for a job well done. “These endeavors will never be made possible without the support of our Provincial Police Drug Enforcement Unit and Provincial Intelligence Branch, both headed by PSUPT Ruben Dalit Padua Jr. The exceptional performance and noteworthy contributions of his unit/office in the anti-illegal drug operations and other anti-criminality campaign, make OPLAN SINAGTALA a success,” Bearis added. The CSPPO’s war on drugs is part of Bearis’ OPLAN SINAGTALA, a strategic anti-criminality campaign plan in Camarines Sur which stands for Supilin ang lahat ng Ilegal na Narkotiko, Armas, Gamot, mga Tulak, Adiksyon at iba pang uri ng Kriminalidad sa Lipunan para matupad an gating Adhikain. Bearis explained that OPLAN SINAGTALA is a well-defined localized, responsive strategy and innovative anti-criminality campaign that will fully support the OPLAN Double Barrel: Reloaded as mandated by President Rodrigo Duterte.

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