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Good Morning Judge: There’s No Place Like Home

WE missed our column last week as we were then crossing the miles while on our way back home to Naga. The 33.5-hour PAL direct flight from Fort Bradly (LAX) Airport to NAIA was tranquil and peaceful while the three meals and one snack served us were good enough. It is sad to note however, that it took some time for our luggage to appear on the carousel although the flight was not full. Anyway, it is nice to be back home again after almost one-and-a half months of sojourn in L.A. As they say, there is indeed no place like home. And thru this column I wish to sincerely give my heartfelt gratitude to the members of the USBLA for treating me to a fun-filled dinner-fellowship at the residence of Pading Totoy Reorizo and his spouse Mading Cora at Arlita on the occasion of my 82nd birthday anniversary. The move of some members of the Sangguniang Panglunsod of this city to lease the perimeter of the Plaza Rizal to private vendors is indeed unfortunate. I am sure that they are aware that Plaza Rizal as a hallowed ground is not only beyond the commerce of man but its lease tends to dishonor the memory of our great national hero. With the mounting outcry of the general public for the dismantling of the stalls in the perimeter I hope that those who are responsible for its lease will find time to transfer the stalls to some other place. TRIVIA: Congratulations to the Officers and Members of the Knights of Columbus, Mons. Jorge Barlin Assembly for the Installation of its Officers for Columbian Year 20l8-2019 last Sunday, August 19. QUOTATION OF THE WEEK: “THERE IS SOMETHING BEAUTIFUL ABOUT THE SPARK OF AN IDEA, THE VERY FIRST MOMENT OF INSPIRATION.” KENDA SCOTT (Fashion Designer) FOR OUR WORD OF LIFE: “THERE IS AN APPOINTED TIME FOR EVERYTHING, A TIME FOR EVERY AFFAIR UNDER THE HEAVENS.” ECC: 3:1

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