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Reg’l Technical Education Skills Dev’t Committee Host Pre TVET Forum

TESDA Regional Director Atty. Andrew A. Bido (seating 2nd from left) answers queries during the open forum. Also in photo is Provincial Director Jose V. Serrano, Jr. (seating 1st in the row), TESDA Board Member Patricia C. Dalmas and RTESDC Chair Efren Daniel A. De Leon (seating 3rd and 4th in the row respectively)

NAGA CITY---The Regional and Provincial Technical Education Skills Development Committee (RTESDC/PTESDC) chairpersons and members convened on May 7 at the Avenue Plaza Hotel here to address technical and vocational education and training (TVET) issues and apprehensions linked to the training and scholarship programs in support to the national priority thrusts of the present administration.

The event was graced with no less than the National TESDA Board Member for Academe Hon. Patricia C. Dalmas. The activity was also attended by the TESDA Provincial Directors, Administrators of TESDA Technology Institutions, Administrators of various private technical vocational schools in the region and members of the print and broadcast media.

After the welcome message of TESDA V Regional Director Atty. Andrew A. Bido, PD Alejandro R. Cortez and PD Mildred F. Marcaida briefed the audience with the current training programs, opportunities and priorities of TESDA Region V relative to the government priority programs on build, build, build, rice tariffication, transport modernization, scholarship and training activities for former rebels, indigenous peoples and persons deprived of liberties to name a few.

In the workshop, agreements and resolutions were drafted to include: (1) increasing training cost, allowances and salaries of trainers; (2) encourage industry practitioners as construction trainers; (3) review the guidelines on the mobile training program regarding registration and equipment required; (4) rationalization of the qualification of trainers in the construction industry and designating associate trainers be allowed under the supervision of the certified TESDA trainers and (5) encourage DepEd, DILG, DOLE, DTI, LGUs and Chambers of Commerce and Industries to support and advocate the free competency assessment and certification of workers.

The said resolutions will be brought to TESDA Central Office for deliberation during the next board meeting. The discussion on the critical TVET issues, concerns, drafting of resolutions and synthesis during the workshop were spearheaded by Atty. Andrew A. Bido, PD Jose V. Serrano Jr. and RTESDC President Efren Daniel A. De Leon.

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