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Same-sex union vs. christian marriage

1. Christian marriage is a sacrament, established by God while same-sex union is not marriage but a union, a partnership, established by men.

2. Christian marriage is a covenant of life and love between a man and a woman while same-sex union is a contract between two men or two women.

3. Christian marriage as a covenant is governed by God’s law, which is eternal and unchanging while same-sex union as a contract is governed by human law, which is temporal and changing.

4. Christian marriage has two inseparable dimensions: union of a man and a woman and procreation and education of children while same-sex union does not have these two inseparable dimensions of Christian marriage.

5. Christian marriage between a man and a woman is open to the transmission of life and the creation of a new family while same-sex union is close to the transmission of human life and the creation of a new family.

6. Christian marriage between a man and a woman allows a child to be born in a family and to be conceived by the love of his/her own parents while same-sex union will deprive the child to be born in a family and to be conceived by his/her own parents.

7. Christian marriage will perpetuate humanity while same-sex union will terminate humanity.

8. Christian marriage is marriage in the Lord and for the Lord while same-sex union is union in the world without the Lord and against the will of the Lord.

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