Clergy, devotees join Divino Rostro procession to Peñafrancia Parish

NAGA CITY – Despite the rain, the Caceres Clergy and devotees joined the Procession of the Solemn Transfer of the Image of the Divino Rostro from the Peñafrancia Basilica Minore and National Shrine to the Old Peñafrancia Shrine and Parish on Tuesday, September 03, 2019.
Preceding the procession is a Pontifical Concelebrated Mass, presided by the Archbishop of Caceres, Most Rev. Rolando J. Tria Tirona, OCD, DD. In his homily, the Archbishop focused on the close link between the experience of the passion of Jesus, and experience of the Blessed Mother. He also expounded on the merciful nature of the Divino Rostro, saying that “When you look at the image of the Divino Rostro, what’s very striking is this: the eyes of the Lord are intent on looking straight into the eyes of those who look at Him. These are the eyes that care; these are the eyes that forgive; these are the eyes that love; and most especially, these are the eyes that give hope.”
Immediately after the Mass, the procession took place, wherein the Caceres Clergy bore the andas of the Divino Rostro. The said act is in fulfillment of their promise to carry the image of the Divino Rostro around the streets of the City, in grateful thanksgiving for being saved from the deadly Cholera Morbo in 1882. Upon arrival at the Old Peñafrancia Shrine, the image was received; and thereafter, a Novena was prayed. The said procession occurred a day before the start of the Novena in Honor of the Divino Rostro, which will culminate on September 13, 2019, the Feast of the Divino Rostro.