Starkey conducts hearing mission in Camarines Sur
“My son is only 12, but he is already experiencing too much bullying and he cannot perform well at school because of his disability,” said Evelyn Abucar from Gainza, Camarines Sur. “When I found out about this program, I was very happy for my son; it was one of the best feelings I have ever had. Finally, he can experience what it is like to hear sounds and make friends with other children just like other people. That is why I want to thank Governor Migz and Congressman Lray Villafuerte for making this event happen in CamSur. This is an answered prayer,” she added.
Evelyn’s son is just one of the 1,028 people with hearing disabilities from all districts in the province who benefitted from the hearing mission conducted by the Starkey Hearing Foundation, in partnership with the provincial government. The event was held on November 17-18, 2019 at the Capitol Convention Center.
The provincial government and Starkey assessed and fitted hearing aids to patients, prepared hearing aids and custom earmolds for qualified patients, counseled and trained hearing aid recipients on the proper use and care of hearing aids, and educated the patients on the aftercare services of the program.
“Before I benefitted from this program, my hearing had been damaged for a long time. I am already old, but this is my first time to have my ears checked and treated,” shared 79 year-old Adelaida Peña from Iriga City. “For us who are old, disabled, and poor, this program is a blessing,” Adelaida added.
Aside from the services offered during the 2-day event, aftercare services will also be offered at the Provincial Health Office of the provincial government. In the aftercare services, Starkey and the provincial government will continue to provide batteries and free repair or replacement of hearing aids as needed and counsel hearing aid beneficiaries.
“The provincial government was very cooperative. It has made the job to help many people easier,” said the Founder of Starkey Hearing Foundation, William Austin. He added that, unlike other public leaders, Governor Miguel Luis “Migz” Villafuerte extended the provincial government’s help to Starkey, especially in the preparation of the event and during the hearing mission itself.
Starkey Hearing Foundation has already partnered with the Provincial Government of Camarines Sur in 2018 to give free hearing aids and free hearing checkup to people in the province with hearing disabilities. On November 20, 2018, they have provided hearing services to over 600 people. Almost a year after this, Starkey went back to Camarines Sur to conduct the aftercare services to the beneficiaries of the first hearing mission.