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3rd Sunday of Advent: Pink is for Joy

That we are called to find our true source

of happiness which is our nearness to God

By Fr. Pablo Carpio

What then should we do?

In this season of Advent, as we strive to make an authentic preparation for the coming of Jesus Christ in order that we shall have a truly meaningful and fruitful celebration of Christmas, we listen to the words of St. John the Baptist who gives us concrete and specific instructions in answer to the question, “What then should we do?”

“Whoever has two cloaks should share with the person who has none. And whoever has food should do likewise.” To tax collectors, “Stop collecting more than what is prescribed.” To soldiers, “Do not practice extortion, do not falsely accuse anyone, and be satisfied with your wages.”

We take pride in being labeled a Catholic country. Most of our government officials and employees are Catholics. Most business establishments are owned and run by Catholics. Most of the tax collectors and soldiers (men and women in uniform), are Catholics. Catholic Education is far reaching in the country. Catholic Churches in the Philippines are once again starting to be full of people on Sundays. And yet, the big question, “Why is the Philippines poor, if not the poorest, among the nations of the world? A truly mind-boggling paradox. Ruled by Catholics, albeit, plunder and corruption rule?

The Liturgical Color of today, the 3rd Sunday of Advent, is Rose or Pink because it is the color of Joy. Of true and authentic Joy. We are asked to rejoice because the Lord is nigh and this is why this day is called Gaudete Sunday.

Indeed, if we truly desire to have Joy this Christmas, in the truest meaning of the word, we hearken and live the proclamation of St. John the Baptist: Do not be greedy! Share, share and share… so that, not to the unquenchable fire we go, instead, unto the Lord shall we be gathered.

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