BAEC: Embracing Fresh Perspective Honoring cherised tradition

AUGUST 26 marked a momentous day as seven new members were welcomed into the Bicol Alpha Eagles Club (BCSR 3) of The Fraternal Order of Eagles-Philippine Eagles at the Moraville The Garden. The photo captures the seamless blend of old and new, symbolizing the unity and strength that comes from embracing fresh perspective while honoring tradition. Photo shows (from left to right, sitting) Kuya Mike Pauig, BAEC vice president; Kuya Edwin Laquindanum, Kuya Andy Garcia, BAEC president; Kuya Rommel Marquez, BAEC secretary; Kuya Francisco Salazar, BAEC peace officer; Kuya Roy de Jesus, BAEC Tribunal Grievance Committee head; (standing from left to right) Kuya Marvin Paglinawan, Kuya Alvin Paglinawan, Kuya Jason Neola, Kuya Rommel Cabrera, and Kuya Lex Tapales. Not in photo is Kuya Richmond Canlas. BAEC photo