LGU inks pact with partners to promote social enterprise dev’t
THE Local Government Unit of Libmanan led by Mayor Jesus Camara signed last week at the SKK Building in Bagumbayan, this town, a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with the Social Enterprises Development (SED) Project of the Mariners Polytechnic Colleges Foundation-Canaman, Tabang Bikol Movement and the Central Bicol State University in Agriculture led by MPCF President Dr, Marilisa J. Ampuan for a two-year research and organizing development project to help develop sustainable social enterprises for economic resilience of disaster survivors in Bicol.
The SED Project hopes to develop a social enterprises framework for disaster survivors, assess the capacity of TBM established organizations as social enterprises, raise the capacity of these and other social enterprises, institutionalize and replicate them in other communities.
“This is just the beginning,” Mayor Jes Camara said as he expressed support to the SED project in providing project assistance to the people of Libmanan especially in the recovery and development efforts of the LGU in the aftermath of past typhoons and the Pandemic. He shared his plans for the development of Libmanan and congratulated the leaders and the other participants who showed great interest to learn new livelihood for their families and Libmanan.
Dr. Marilisa Ampuan said she was optimistic that the people who are now benefiting from the project will continue to persevere and expand their ranks. TBM and Mariners Canaman Board Chairperson Evita Jimenez-Tuazon acknowledged the generous support of the Libmanan Mayor, a good example of collaboration, and people-centered leadership which LGUs in other towns and cities must emulate. SED Program leader Dr. Cely Binoya said she looks forward for the SED participants from communities in Camarines Sur and Albay would get together in learning sessions in the future. She also mentioned that the SED project will come out with future publications containing insights and lessons drawn from the two-year project.
The Municipal Agriculture officer Rexie Jesalva hoped that there will be more people to benefit from the SED Project while Councilor Jose San Buenaventura promised his support all throughout the project and even after. The Community leaders of Masarap, Mabuhay and Kabutehan Entrep groups expressed their gratitude to the SED project for inspiring them to organize and develop their own enterprises with guidance from the SED experts. They promised to persevere and get organized in more communities. EsCia

SIGNING OF MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING (MOU) between the Local Government Unit of Libmanan and the two-year Social Enterprises Development (SED) Project of the Mariners Polytechnic Colleges Foundation, Tabang Bikol Movement and Central Bicol State University in Agriculture with a grant from the Commission on Higher Education (CHEd) Central Office. From L-R: Municipal Agriculturist Rexie Jesalva, Municipal Councilor Jose San Buenventura, MPCF President Dr. Marilisa J, Ampuan, Libmanan Mayor Jesus Camara, TBM and MPCF Board Chair Evita Jimenez-Tuazon, MPCF-SED Program Leader Dr. Cely Binoya. Behind the signatories is SED staff Leah Palme, held at the SKK Building, Libmanan (CB.SED Photo)