Office for Women and Children Protection expands services
By Myrna S. Bermudo
The Caceres Office for Women and Children Protection (COWCP) which serves as the coordinating and implementing office of the Archdiocese of Caceres on matters pertaining to women and children has collaborated with various groups to expand its services.
Fr. Jhonan’z Vibar, COWCP chairperson, together with volunteers conducted a Project Orientation in the parishes of St. Dominic of Guzman Parish, Gainza, Our Lady of La Porteria Parish, Calabanga and St. Catherine of Siena Parish, Gingaroy, Tigaon, this month of October.
With the theme: Building a Child - Friendly Church for a Healthy and Empowered Children in Bicol, Fr. Vibar, in his lecture, said that the orientation is “an initiative to promote children’s welfare development and protection by capacitating and strengthening the church structure and its network.”
The project was presented to Caceres Archbishop Rolando J. Tria Tirona on October 3 and is in partnership with the Bicol Consortium for Development Initiatives, Inc. (BCDI) & Caritas Caceres.
COWCP, in its social media account, says that it “is committed to promote the inviolable dignity of women and children based on the Gospel and the teachings of the Church through personal witnessing, public apostolate, and professional service, inclusive of advocacy through the mass media and thereby assist in strengthening the formation of women and children as builders of family, Church and society.”
Recently, the office had a collaboration meeting with the Naga City Women & Children Protection Desk (WCPD) headed by P.LT/COL. Josefa Sylvia L. Zape.
As part of their series of radio campaign to spread awareness for the welfare of women, children and society at large, the office featured in its Casarig Tuesday radio program the topic: Women, Peace and Security with PEMS Ma Virginia de Quiroz-Coballes and PSMS Garcia Mayra Babagay.
The radio program at DWRV Radio Caritas Mariae, also featured World Vision Philippines with Marecil Sta Maria Francia, Liza V. Eyo and Maria Corazon Gomonan and their project for women.

COWCP, as member of the Regional Independent Monitoring Committee (RIMC) for Bicol Region, had a partnership meeting with DSWD’S Pantawid Pamilyang Pilipino Program (4Ps) this September 27 at the Archbishop’s Residence. Present during the meeting were Archbishop Tria Tirona, OCD, DD.; Fr. Vibar; Michelle Rebato, Project Development Officer II; Ellen Alcantara, Family Development Unit Focal; and Emmanuel Niño Casulla, Cluster Grievance Officer. (COWCP Photo)
COWCP, as member of the Regional Independent Monitoring Committee (RIMC) for Bicol Region, also had a partnership meeting with DSWD’S Pantawid Pamilyang Pilipino Program (4Ps) this September 27 at the Archbishop’s Residence. Present during the meeting were Archbishop Tria Tirona, OCD, DD.; Fr. Vibar; Michelle Rebato, Project Development Officer II; Ellen Alcantara, Family Development Unit Focal; and Emmanuel Niño Casulla, Cluster Grievance Officer.
“The office (COWCP) also aims at tackling women and children issues like prostitution, human trafficking, and other forms of violence committed against women and children, thus, initiate and animate activities and programs that will protect their rights and foster greater awareness in the community leading to the authentic development and advancement of human dignity,” COWCP added in their social media account.
In celebration of the National Mental Health and Juvenile Justice and Welfare Consciousness Week, it conducted a symposium with the theme, “Musings on Identity, Healing & Spirituality” last October 15, 2022, at the Holy Rosary Minor Seminary Auditorium. “Juvenile Justice and Welfare Act “was discussed by Mrs. Marecil Sta Maria Francia, “Revisiting Family Identity” by Ms. Gloria San Antonio, and “Self, Identity and Mental Health by Ms. Mimilanie Oliver-Orbon.
The symposium was conducted the COWCP’s effort to bring social awareness to different sectors of society through its flagship program Bisita Bakhita. This program gives psycho-spiritual formation and legal awareness.
The students of Junior and Senior High School Departments and some teaching staff of the Holy Rosary Minor Seminary together with seminarians from the Diocese of Libmanan attended the symposium. Fr. Jed Anthony Peña, the principal and the Chairperson of the COWCP, Fr. Jhonan’z Vibar were also present.