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141st Divino Rostro and 313th Peñafrancia Annual Festivities (2023)

Dates to Remember

August 29 Caceres Clergy Recollection and Divino Rostro Procession (Basilica to Old Shrine)

August 30 Harubay

August 30- September 7 Novena Masses in Honor of Divino Rostro

September 7-18 Bishop Gainza Trade Fair

September 8, 2023 Feast of the Divino Rostro

September 8 4:00 am Transfer of the Image of Our Lady of Peñafrancia from Basilica Minore to the Old Shrine and Parish Church of Our Lady of Peñafrancia

September 8 Pontifical Mass 5:30 am at Plaza de Cuvarrubias, Our Lady of Peñafrancia Parish

Main Celebrant: Caceres Archbishop Rolando Tria Tirona, OCD, DD

September 8, Nativity (Birthday) of the Blessed Virgin Mary 2:00 pm Pontifical Mass at Plaza de Covarrubias Daet Bishop Rex Andrew Alarcon, DD

Traslacion Procession

5:30 pm Pontifical Mass after the Traslacion Procession Caceres Archbishop Rolando J. Tria Tirona, OCD

September 8-16 Novena Masses in Honor of Our Lady of Peñafrancia

September 9-10 Marian Youth Congress

September 12-14 Union of Bicol Clergy

September 16 , 2pm Fluvial Procession

6:30 pm Pontifical Mass after the Fluvial Procession / Papal Nuncio to the Philippines, Archbishop Charles Brown, DD

September 17, Sunday Solemnity of Our Lady of Peñafrancia, Patroness of Bicolandia

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