Nephew-and-aunt Sabocor tandem takes over reins of United Bicolandia

LOS ANGELES, California --- Edgardo R. Sabocor as president and Zenaida P. Sabocor as board chairman take over the leadership of United Bicolandia Los Angeles (UBLA) for the 2-year term 2017-2018 during an induction ball on Saturday evening, May 6, 2017. A nephew-and-aunt tandem, the Sabocors, along with other incoming UBLA officers, will be sworn in by the guest speaker, Philippine Consul General Adelio Angelito S. Cruz, at the ballroom of Almansor Court, 700 Almansor St., Alhambra, CA 91801. By virtue of their elective positions, the UBLA president and the council of leaders chairman automatically become members of the board of directors where this year Zenaida was also elected chairman. To take their oath of office are: BOARD OF DIRECTORS: Zenaida P. Sabocor, chairman; Antonio G. Martires, vice chairman; Antonia K.R. Enriquez, J. Victor Martires, Emma Z. Sabido, Edgardo R. Sabocor, Hermito SD. San Jose Jr., directors; Marilyn A. Avengoza, secretary. EXECUTIVE OFFICERS: Edgardo R. Sabocor, president; Cecilia E. Rosana, vice president; Lem Amit, vice president for internal affairs; Cynthia Diamante, secretary; Rose C. Gardoce, asst. secretary; Aida V. Asuncion, treasurer; Teresita Orcini, asst. treasurer; Generosa M. Leano, auditor; Marjorie Balce, business manager; Hermito R. San Jose, public relations officer; James Salazar & Vernon M. Nieva, sgts-at-arms. STANDING COMMITTEE CHAIRMEN: Cynthia Diamante, budget & finance; Bernie T. Ganon, civic; Linda Anciano, charitable & humanitarian; Rose C. Gardoce, membership; Emma Z. Sabido, Penafrancia holdings & regalia; Cecilia E. Rosana, Virgin’s home visitations; Edgardo R. Sabocor, property & records custodial; Aida F. Brizuela, ways & means; Steven Sabocor & Angel G. Martires, information. COUNCIL OF LEADERS: Zenaida P. Sabocor, chairman; Aida F. Brizuela, vice chairman; Marilyn A. Avengoza, secretary. COMELEC: Norman B. Avengoza, chairman; Alberto Serrano & Teresita Orcini, members. UBLA has Reverend Rolly Clarin as spiritual director and the Bonar Law Office as legal adviser. For further information, please call the board chairman at (323) 717-2841 or (323) 222-6531. (MITS SAN JOSE, UBLA PRO)