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AdenU to inaugurate new building for College of Law

NAGA CITY --- The Ateneo de Naga University community has slated the blessing of its newest campus structure — the Fr Godofredo Alingal, SJ Hall — on Saturday, May 27, this year. The five-storey building has 24 classrooms, computer and science laboratories, library, conference rooms, mock hotel rooms, and a convention hall. The building will serve as the main hub for the school’s new College of Law, as well as the Graduate School. Fr. Godofredo Alingal, SJ was a Jesuit priest who was once assigned in Ateneo de Naga where he taught Religion and English. In 1968, he became the first Filipino Jesuit Principal. During the Martial Law years, he assisted the farmers by initiating a union and cooperative, organizing a local chapter of the Federation of Free Farmers, and boldly using various media to help the people communicate their experiences of oppression and injustice. Because of his advocacy, he caught the attention and ire of malicious parties from different sides. In 1981, masked gunmen assassinated Fr. Alingal in front of his parish convento. Until now, his case remains unsolved. The blessing of the new building will be attended by members of the ADNU community, leaders in local and national levels, and friends/partners of the university. Most importantly, the event is a way to give thanks and honor all the people who, for months, have worked hard to make the building a reality. The event will also feature an inaugural lecture, “Building a Just & Humane Society: Constitutional Amendments,” by Retired Chief Justice Hilario Davide, Jr.

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