Dispatch from Crame No. 100
De Lima on downgrading of charges against Marcos et al. over the killing of Mayor Espinosa I JOIN my colleagues led by Sen. Ping Lacson, Chair of the Committee on Public Order and Dangerous Drugs, in condemning the DOJ for its highly questionable action in downgrading the double murder charges vs. Supt. Marvin Marcos, et al. to homicide. How can the DOJ, thru USEC Reynante Orceo, not see and appreciate the presence of the qualifying circumstance of evident premeditation, and even abuse of superior strength, in the execution of such criminal act which bears the hallmarks of summary execution? What does it make of the Senators and the NBI probers (who were convinced of the culpability of Marcos, et al. for murder), if people simply accept DOJ’s conclusion that “nothing in the records” could prove evident premeditation? Something tells me that the DOJ’s initial adoption of NBI’s recommendation was just for show, a charade, so as to please or satisfy the Senate and the public. The actual game plan though was to downgrade the charges, as done now, and ultimately weaken the case vs. those rogue police officers and men. This disturbing development only serves to bolster my suspicion that Marcos, et al. were actually carrying out an order to liquidate Mayor Espinosa, and that such order came from the top, the very top. Call it a speculation, or even paranoia, but I’m almost certain that there must be something Mayor Espinosa knew or about to do relative to his son Kerwin’s so-called “pink book” or “blue book” that underlined the mastermind’s decision to kill the Mayor. Such pink or blue book, whichever, insofar as it includes my name is certainly spurious—as spurious and fabricated as all the other so-called evidence the DOJ purports to have as to my alleged involvement in the drug trade, either within or outside Bilibid. Could it be that Mayor Espinosa was about to tell the truth or showed signs of revealing which names genuinely belong to Kerwin Espinosa’s list of drug protectors/beneficiaries and those that do not? Was the father killed as a warning to the son so the latter could fully “cooperate”, as he did, in concocting all those lies about me and my alleged dealings with him (who I absolutely do not know from Adam)? I’ve been asking this, and still no answer—How come Kerwin Espinosa, who has admitted under oath his big time drug-dealing activities, is not being charged, or even investigated? Who are the true partners in crime and protectors of Kerwin Espinosa and his drug syndicate? Are they being investigated at all? Can anyone please look into all these? PLEASE... I say this again, and more emphatically—The first casualty in this so-called War on Drugs is the TRUTH. SEN. LEILA DE LIMA Detainee