News assembly
The Parish of St. Anne, Magarao, Cam Sur, headed by their Parish Priest, Fr. Benedick Eguia, hosted the monthly Clergy Assembly of the archdiocese last June 27, 2017. It was presided by Archbishop Rolando J Tirona, OCD. DD. Among the presentors was the parish priest of the Parish of Our Lady of the Holy Rosary, Bombon CS, Fr. Augusto Federico who reported about the parish activities which is highlighted by the organization and activities of the BEC (Basic Ecclesial Communities) comprising of 192 clusters. During the Benediction, two theology seminarians, Sem. Jed Anthony Federico Pena of Carolina, Naga City and Sem.Jhonanz De la Cruz Vibar of Sangay CS, made their Oath of Fidelity and Profession of Faith in preparation for their ordination to the Diaconate on July 15, 2017 at the Basilica Minore. Likewise, making the Oath of Fidelity are the new Vicars Forane, Fr. Marlon Tebelin of the Vicariate of St. Francis, Buhi CS, Fr. Romeo Donacao of the Vicariate of Our Lady of Assumption, Canaman CS and Fr. Larry Delos Santos of St. Michael the Archangel Vicariate Caramoan CS. The Clergy Assembly was a day of gathering and camaraderie of the priests that was culminated with a fellowship at the covered court of the LGU Magarao.