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Good morning judge: On preserving our environment

THE recent move by “They Grey, We Green” pro-environment movement to prevent the cutting of old trees along Magsaysay Avenue, the national highway and the San Felipe road where the Department of Public Works and Highways (DPWH) is undertaking a road-widening project deserves the support of the general public. Although the filing of the case in Court to secure a Temporary Environmental Protection Order (TEPO) was belated, we are happy to note that Branch 27 of the Regional Trial Court of Naga has recognized the necessity of issuing the TEPO. Thus, the Court during the summary hearing was convinced that “the matter is of extreme urgency and the plaintiff will suffer irreparable injury if the cutting of trees is not restrained,” as stressed in his order by Presiding Judge Leo Intia. It is worthwhile to note that old acacia trees have already been felled during the widening of the San Felipe road and with the TEPO timely issued by RTC Branch 27, the cutting of these trees along the national highway from Naga to Legaspi would not have been prevented. The recent reported closure of the famous Naguilian Road to Baguio City due to landslide and erosion is a classic example of the inevitable result of unnecessary cutting of trees. We are glad that we have our own versions of Gina Lopez in our midst. We hope that the “They Grey, We Green” movement will be able to sustain their stand and this writer is encouraging the general public and those who believe in the preservation of a clean and healthy environment to support them. This is the best legacy that we can bestow our next generations. TRIVIA: Congratulations to Rev. Fr. Edgar Adversario whose installation as Parish Priest of the Parish of St. Francis of Assisi in Buhi, Camarines Sur will be held this coming August 12 at 9:00 a.m. The installation will be presided by Most Rev. Rolando J. Tria Terona, Archbishop of Caceres. Fr. Gary was assigned as Parish Priest of the Immaculate Conception, our parish here in Naga, before his transfer to Buhi. Thank you Fr. Gary for the invitation but unfortunately we cannot attend as it coincided with the Reunion of USI high school batch ‘55 where my spouse Minda is a member. QUOTATION OF THE WEEK: “THE PROBABILITY THAT WE MAY FAIL IN THE STRUGGLE OUGHT NOT TO DETER US FROM THE SUPPORT OF THE CAUSE WE BELIEVE TO BE JUST.” ABRAHAM LINCOLN FOR OUR WORD OF LIFE: “LET EVERYTHING THAT HAS BREATH GIVE PRAISE TO THE LORD. HALLELUJAH! PSALM 150:6

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