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SA TAON 2017: SP nagpanday ginatos na ordinansa, resolucion

Naging produktibo sa Sangguniang Panlungsod kan Ciudad nin Naga an taon 2017 matapos maaprobaran an 110 na ordinansa asin 650 resolucion compara kan nakaaging 2016 nailusot sana an 81 ordinansa asin 601 resolucion. An Team Naga, midmid na ‘’ubos-kun-ubos-gabos-kun-gabos’’ alagad igwang kanya-kanyang opinyon an lambang miembro kan consejo sagcod na nagkakaigwa nin mainit na debate antes na-aaprobaran an arin man na ordinansa asin resolucion, sabi ni Bise Alcalde Nelson Legacion an pamayo kan SP. Antes nagtapos an Deciembre 2017 saindang amay na-aprobaran an P1,198,780,544.31 na 2018 annual budget, alagad nag-agi sa halawig na pagserne sa Committee on Finance and Appropriation asin sa en banc session. Si Bise Alcalde Legacion, presiding officer kan SP nangenotan man sa pagpadreno nin ordinansa numerado 2017-029: Revised Solo Parents Ordinance, Ordinance No. 2017-030: Amending Bicycle Ordinance asin Ordinance No. 2017-105: Amending the Revised Solo Parents Ordinance. An SP kan Ciudad nin Naga iyo an pinaka-premirong consejo sa Filipinas na bukas sa mga estudiantes sa mga colegio asin universidades an saindang mga sesyon regular sa paagi kan Student Participation Program nganing matukdoan sinda bako lang sa ngaran na parliamentary procedure envez kan trabajo bilang lehislador asin para sa saindang dagdag kaaraman. An bise alcalde iyo an padreno kan ordinansa nganing magpadagos an Student Participation sa mga sesyon kan consejo. Gabos na miembros kan consejo nagtatrabajo sa saindang mga komite asin may kanya-kanyang na-ipasar na ordinansa asin resolucion na igwang igwang duwa hasta walo. Sa listahan kan SP secretariat si Consejal Cecilia De Asis iyo an padreno kan Ord. No. 2017-107: Reorganizing City Events, Protocol and Public Information Office asin Ord. No. 2017-110: Annual Budget 2018. Consejal Gregorio Abonal iyo an padreno kan Ord. 2017-047: Medical Services Fees and Charges asin Ord. No. 2017-052: City Centenarians Incentive Ordinance. Consejal Jose Rañola iyo an padreno kan Ord. No. 2017-093: Physical Therapy and Rehabilitation Center Ordinance, Ord. No.039: The Naga City Drinking Water Quality Regulatory Ordinance. Consejal Elmer Baldemoro iyo an padreno kan Ord. No. 2017-022: Enhanced Persons with Disabilities Identification Ordinance, Ord. No. 036: Amending the Transport and Traffic Code of Naga City by adding new route for e-jeepney. Consejal Mila Raquid-Arroyo iyo an padreno kan Ord. No. 2017-073: Ordinance Regulating the Operation of Commercial and Backyard Poultry and Livestock Farms in Naga City asin Ord. No. 2017-072: People’s Budget Ordinance of Naga City. Consejal Julian Lavadia Jr. iyo an padreno kan Ord. No. 2017-099: Condoning the interest only up to August 2018 on loans due from corn farmers for loans of the immediately past planting season asin an Res. No. 2017-300: Adopting Naga City’s Roadmap to Responsible and Sustainable Agriculture 2017-2027. Consejal Joselito Del Rosario iyo an padreno kan Ord. No. 2017: Community level disaster preparedness training program, Ord. No. 2017-036: Amending the Transport and Traffic Code of Naga City by adding new route for e-jeepney asin Ord. No. 2017-030: Naga Bicycle Ordinance. Consejal Vidal Castillo iyo an padreno kan Ord. No.060: Amending Ordinance No. 2014-044 by providing a new site for the Night Market at Prieto Street and revising some provisions thereof. Bilang Chairman kan Infrastructure siya an responsable sa pagtulod kan ordinansa na magkaigwa nin bagong ruta nin tinampo sa San Felipe-Calauag nganing mainaan an mahibog na trafico sa M.T. Villanueva Ave. Consejal Ray-An Cydrick Rentoy iyo an nagpadreno kan Ord. No. 2017-037: Institutionalizing the Naga City Council for Youth Development. Consejal Salvador Del Castillo iyo an padreno kan Ord. No. 2017-013: funding of operation of the sanitary landfill cum waste-to-energy facility asin Ord. No. 2017-089: Requiring the installation of video camera in and outside commercial establishments and along major thoroughfares and intersection in the city. Consejal Tomas Ramon Sanchez Jr. padreno kan Ord. No. 2017-036: Amending the Transport and Traffic Code of the City by adding new route for e-jeepney. (dpa)

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