MNWD extends support to Mayon victims
Tabang Mayon is a fund drive started by the Naga City government to help evacuees of the Mt. Mayon eruption. The drive was such a success that in a matter of days, the total collection was enough to fill up three trucks. On January 23, Mayor John Bongat led the relief operations in evacuation centers in Albay. The contingent went to distribute rice and other essentials to evacuees in Ligao City, Guinobatan, and Camalig. The Metropolitan Naga Water District (MNWD) sent two water lorry trucks to deliver clean potable water to the evacuees. People in the schools which are made into evacuation centers In times of disaster, gladly lined up to get their share of the water from the lorry trucks. Extending help to fellow Bicolanos in distress is a way of life for the MNWD, and it is also part of its commitment to total excellence in public service.