Town councilor, barangay exec hurt in slay try
By Mar S. Arguelles LEGAZPI CITY --- A town councilor and the president of the Association of Barangay Captains (ABC) in Oas, Albay and his companion were hurt when fired upon at by still unidentified gunmen Thursday midnight last week in a barangay in Oas, Albay, a police report said. John Greg Ricarte, son of former Oas Mayor Greg Ricarte and ABC president and John Rey Retuerma were rushed to a nearby hospital for treatment, according to Police Chief Inspector Emmanuel Ramos, PNP Albay spokesperson. Ramos said that the victims were having a drinking binge at Ricarte’s residence when they were attacked by unidentified armed men at about 12:30 a.m. Thursday. Police investigators are still determining the motive of the attack, which according to probers could possibly be politically related. The victims were scions of influential and political leaders in Oas, a first class town in Albay, some 50 kilometers from this city.