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Good Morning Judge: Relevant issues then and now

While writing for the Vox Bicol sometime in l990, I wrote the following article which I believe is still relevant in today’s setting, hence I hereby quote the same in this column, to wit; “Saturday last week was an occasion for a homecoming and renewal of old acquaintances for Bicolano Senator Nonoy Ziga who was in town as guest of honor and speaker during the 23rd anniversary and installation rites of the officers and members of the Fourth Degree under the Mons. Jorge Barlin Assembly. “An old friend during the Ateneo and Jaycee days, the last time we brushed elbows with the good senator prior to his Saturday’s brief sojourn in Naga was years back when still a member of the Aquino Cabinet as Secretary of General Services when he blew into town as guest speaker of the now defunct Naga Press and Radio Club at the Ateneo Gym. “He was then with some old friends like lawyer Tony Tria (now ASEC of DENR) and incumbent Tabaco Mayor Tony Demetrio, among others. “Exchanging views and pleasantries with the good senator last Saturday, we could readily see that the glamour and glitter of politics and his walking in the corridors of power have not changed him at all. He is still the amiable and ever approachable Nonoy Ziga whose feet, so to say, have remained rooted deeply on the ground despite his ascendancy to power. “This only reminds us of what the late U.S President Abraham Lincoln said, and we quote: ‘Remember those whom you pass along your way up because they are the same people whom you will meet when you go down.’ “ Many of those now in political power seem to forget this Lincolnian adage, but definitely not our own Bicolano Senator. “But more than Senator Ziga’s good nature is his views on government and current issues which he aired at the breakfast press conference hastily called thru the efforts of our friend Philippine Journal correspondent Sonny Sales. “On the published reports about the possibility of President Aquino’s once again asking Congress for an emergency power to meet the present crises facing the country, Senator Ziga expressed the view that as it is, the President has sufficient powers under the Constitution which she may wield even without Congress granting any more emergency powers. It is the senator’s perception too, that the President failed to effectively make use and exercise the emergency powers which Congress had granted her in the recent past. “On the matter of amending the l987 Constitution in favor of a unicameral legislative body, the Senator feels that the incumbent leadership ought to first address the present problems which the country is beset with than to occupy itself with additional problems of constitutional amendment. “As to his political plans, he says that it is not yet time to talk about politics now that the country is facing critical problems which call for immediate and effective solutions. H quips though, that as a good partyman he will abide to serve in whatever capacity which the party has in store for him.” TRIVIA: Belated birthday greetings to Mayor Nino Tayco who celebrated his NTH Birthday anniversary last Friday April 13th. Birthday greetings also to my son Arnel who is celebrating his 50th birthday anniversary this coming Friday, April 20. He now resides in Los Angeles, California with his family. Belated condolence to the family of the late Ciriaco “Nancing” Alfelor who recently passed away. Pading Nancing was a good and respected family friend and I had the privileged to be among his candidates for Provincial Board Member under the banner of the Cory Coalition years back when he was our gubernatorial candidate while the late Nonoy Bulaong was his running mate for vice-governor. Belated condolence also to the family of the late Natividad F. Padis, a REBAP member who also crossed the Great Beyond recently. QUOTATION OF THE WEEK: “I AM A LITTLE PENCIL IN THE HAND OF A WRITING GOD WHO IS SENDING A LOVE LETTER TO THE WORLD.” MOTHER TERESA FOR OUR WORD OF LIFE: “COME NOW, LET US SET THINGS RIGHT, SAYS THE LORD: THOUGH YOUR SINS BE LIKE SCARLET, THEY MAY BECOME WHITE AS SNOW..” ISAIAH 1;18

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