Small town lottery: PCSO to decide fate of Lucky V this week

By Celso Amo LEGAZPI CITY --- The Philippine Charity Sweepstakes Office(PCSO) said it will finally decide whether Lucky V Prime Enterprises Corporation will continue to operate the Small Town Lottery (STL) operation in Albay after its franchise was cancelled August 8 for failure to remit a total of P259.4M share. Lucky V was able to file a motion for reconsideration and temporary restraining order and was given a leeway to continue operation. Sandra Cam, PCSO board of director, said the board will be holding a meeting this Thursday and Lucky V’s motion for reconsideration is now one of the agenda to be taken up in the meeting. “That will be for dismissal (Lucky V franchise) for tomorrow and eventually we will open up (Albay) for bidding,” said Cam. “By tomorrow our decision will be final and executory.” Cam said the PCSO board can no longer grant Lucky V a motion for reconsideration to continue its operation because Lucky V violated the franchise. “Lucky V Prime Enterprises Corp. will be granted again to operate based on its motion for reconsideration if they will pay the full amount of their shortfall due to PCSO,” said Cam. “Either they pay their shortfall in full or their franchise will be cancelled and STL in Albay will be open for bidding.” Cam said the payment will be 60 percent in cash and the remaining amount in check in order for the franchise of Lucky V Prime Enterprises Corp. to be granted to continue its operation in Albay. “But I doubt if they can pay the 60 percent cash,” Cam added. She said if the PCSO board allows Lucky V to continue operation without the latter having to pay in full its shortfall, there’s a big possibility the shortfall will balloon in the coming months. “The board meeting will be a whole day and the fate of Lucky V will be known late Thursday or Friday,” she added. Earlier, Cam said Lucky V Prime Enterprises Corp. was not able to remit the amount due the PCSO because it was also operating illegally as bookies in the guise of STL. She even hinted that LGUs in Albay were also benefiting (from Lucky V operation) by supporting bookies operation. Albayanos familiar with jueteng operation said Lucky V cannot control bookies operation because it lacked the personnel to operate STL in the province.