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BLIND SPOT: CPD: Confused Political Direction

I met up with a friend who just got home from seafaring duty (or whatever it is appropriately called). Personally, I was thrilled with his narrations of experience of sailing aboard an oil tanker around and within Papua New Guinea, how their vessel would penetrate inland upstream a river, scaling a mountain once a month; and in the process encounter native communities and their culture in their rawest forms. He told me of how the locals with dark complexion and diminutive stature would row on boats carved from logs to offer foreign sailors with stuff like fish, fruits and venison; the last of which he sampled with purchase, not with money (which the locals did not have a preference for), but three pieces of clothing. Yes, barter is still alive. It makes a Filipino appreciate present circumstances, that is in the assumption that our relatively more modern lifestyle is better. However, on what basis do the more technologically advanced claim the assertion of a better status and position. Perhaps, in their perception, the Pidgin English speakers may hold more value for their unadulterated and pristine régime, and take pity on people who have become helpless slaves of what is considered as development.

This friend suddenly blurts out inquiry on the abolition of CPD, which follows with an indignation against the proponent senator, citing him to be a troublemaker in the national level, even recalling the infamous Oakwood mutiny. As far as I understand, it has become ratified as law of the land and ready for implementation. Yes, it’s a pain in the cranium; but a citizen has to be a citizen and obey the law, however taxing it may be. I’ve been accustomed to understandable complaints against the new policy. But don’t they always do whenever there’s some new prescribed procedure. But all of a sudden, it occurred to me, how does a seafaring electrical engineer collect CPD points after a tour of duty in the high seas? Is he expected to allot his terrestrial time-out for trainings? Should not that time be for much needed personal breather and familial fellowship? I know another friend who is whirling in confusion on how to go about the new process of renewal of license.

RA 10912, an act mandating and strengthening the continuing professional development program for all regulated professions, also known as CPD Law was passed on July 2015. Just this month, October 2018 (three years after), Senate Bill No. 2073 which seeks to repeal CPD Law, is filed. What’s the deal? The paddle isn’t even on full swing yet.

Okay, we all understand that repeal and amendment are indeed built-in applications of legislation. A law which has been agreed upon to be meritorious and passed, reserves the remedy to be changed or taken out after some lengthy time of its implementation. So, if the legislative body decides some regulation is now deemed inapplicable, and warrants cancellation and discontinuity of implementation, it may by all means be repealed. It would be perfectly acceptable and regular. However, what should bother the citizenry is the implication of proceedings and purposes in public service. It is apparent that lawmakers could have taken more profound consideration on the draft of laws. This swift swerve raises the suspicion of intent behind passing of resolutions and regulations, whether they be for development or to discredit a particular person or group, based on personal relations. This same group of people (more or less) has decided that this certain policy is good and helpful for the people. Then, after a relatively speedy span of time, this same group of people turns around changes their minds that this certain law is not anymore good and helpful to the people, after implementation of a not so lengthy period of time. How does that happen? In another perspective, could it be that this same group of people are now turning their own decisions to spite one of their own? These bring us to implications of indecisive and egotistical spirit of service. Yes. I personally lean towards the virtue of the repeal of the continuous professional development as requirement for renewal of PRC license, in its current procedures, but what does that make of Philippine legislation? An institution of indecision? To extend this supposition, this raises the probability that the houses may have resolved republic acts which are in need of immediate repeal or amendment, and the probability that that some acts are passed with intentions other than for the benefit of the people. So, how do they do their jobs up there? What does it all make of Philippine legislation? Of Philippine government service? A leaf easily blown by the wind? A raft lightly tossed by the waves? Without resolve towards a fixed direction?

“But when you ask, you must believe and not doubt, because the one who doubts is like a wave of the sea, blown and tossed by the wind. That person should not expect to receive anything from the Lord.”

James 1:6-7

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