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Fr. Tria gives talk on Voter’s Education to Young Priests

Fr. Wilmer Joseph Tria, the chairperson on Commission on the Promotion of the Social Teachings of the Church was invited to give talk to the group of young clergy on Voter’s Education last February 26, 2019 at the Archbishop Residence in Naga City.

This event is organized by Fr. Eugene Lubigan to prepare the young cleric in educating the people for this coming midterm election by refreshing them of the different teachings of the church in social justice and politics.

He pointed out ten issues that are affecting the country and presented the stand of the church on these concerns. He reminded the priests of their role in guiding the people on how to choose their leaders and the social impact in practicing the right to vote.

According to him, change in the political system in our country will be felt if the people will choose the leaders who are capable and qualified to lead the people.

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