PRC CamSur assists voters during elections

NAGA CITY --- The Philippine Red Cross (PRC) Camarines Sur Chapter catered to more than 885 patients during the entire duration of the national and local midterm elections held Monday, May 13, in various polling precincts in the province.
Most of these patients experienced dizziness due to the scorching heat of the sun while others felt the sudden rise of their blood pressure due to prolonged queuing as they waited to cast their votes in their respective polling precincts.
PRC- Camarines Sur OIC Chapter Administrator Thess Bongiad said they have established a total of 17 booths or first aid stations in different polling sites to assist voters, particularly senior citizens and Persons with Disabilities (PWDs).
Red Cross Youth (RCY) volunteers manned the various first aid stations located in Libmanan North Central School (CS), Sipocot South CS, Garchitorena CS, San Vicente CS, also in Garchitorena, Maangas ES in Presentacion, Goa Central School and Sta. Justina East Elementary School in Buhi.
Other RCY councils located in Naga City also managed different first aid stations located in various points : Cararayan HS council set up their booth at Don Manuel I. Abella Central School in Cararayan; USI council in Sta Cruz Elementary School; Camarines Sur National HS council in CSNHS Liboton Annex Campus; Bicol State College of Applied Sciences and Technology (BISCAST) Council in BISCAST area; and Mariners Polytechnic Colleges (MPC) council in Sta.Cruz National HS.
The Pili National HS Council also set up their booth in Anayan ; Central Bicol State University of Agriculture (CBSUA)-Pasacao Council in Pasacao Central School and CSPC Council in Nabua Central Pilot School in San Nicolas, Nabua, Camarines Sur.
Most of the voters during the recently concluded national and local midterm elections, complained of staying up to three (3) hours or more, standing and waiting for their turn before they can finally cast their votes. Most of them are elders, some are physically challenged who braved through the strenuous political activity just to be able to exercise their right to suffrage.
Bongiad decided to establish of Red Cross first aid stations in strategic polling sites, anticipating the need for immediate medical assistance and response to possible emergencies during the entire duration of the election.