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Parish BEC Gathers for Reflection

Last August 12, the Basic Ecclesial Communities conducted a REFLECTION Session at St Jude Parish, Naga City. Fr Emmanuel Mojica, BEC Director, said the activity was aimed to strengthen the program in their parishes. Fr Dawee Pitapit of the Diocese of Libmanan, was invited to share his experiences.

There is need for a paradigm shift from priest centeredness to participatory church; from sacramentalized to evangelized from construction to formation.

BEC is a product of the Second Plenary Council of the Philippines(PCP2) which aimed at renewing the program of the church. It is a gathering of small communities usually composed of families that pray with the scriptures and the eucharist under the direction of a (parish) priest but are oftentimes ministered by a lay leaders. They share their material and spiritual concerns and they emphasize belongingness and support. They whole day gathering was highlighted by sharing of best practices and fellowship. cccom news

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