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Community task force vs dengue forged

NAGA CITY --- The local government unit here has organized a group of stakeholders and sector representatives who will actively participate in the citywide campaign against dengue, now a year-round mosquito-borne disease.

Called the Naga City Anti-Dengue Task Force which was created by Executive Order 2019-038, the team will work for the delivery of technical and logistical support so that the implementation of 4S strategy is handled effectively.

The measure further enjoined the barangay governments to organize their respective anti-dengue task forces that will serve as their primary arm in ensuring that all households and establishments within their jurisdiction will carry out all preventive action against the spread of dengue.

The enhanced 4S campaign stands for Search and destroy mosquito-breeding sites, secure Self-protection measures like wearing long pants and long sleeved shirts and daily use of mosquito repellent, Seek early consultation, and Support fogging/spraying only in hotspot areas where increase in cases is registered for two consecutive weeks to prevent an impending outbreak.

Mayor Nelson Legacion said the measure is the city government’s course of action in the light of the Department of Health’s declaration of a national dengue epidemic.

The Local Government Code of 1991 directs local government units to promote health and safety of their constituents by providing measures to prevent and control the spread of the disease and to provide assistance to those afflicted.

To be spearheaded by the city mayor as chairperson and City Councilor Jose Rañola, MD as co-chairperson, the task force will lead the conduct of series of information and education campaigns on the prevention and control of dengue, especially the search and destroy operations which will simultaneously be held every afternoon at 4 o’clock.

Search and destroy approach is staged by removing any space or container that can hold unnecessary clear and stagnant water which may become breeding sites of dengue-infected Aedes aegypti and Aedes albopictus mosquitoes.

Also comprising the task force are: Dr. Vito C. Borja, chief of the City Health Office as executive director with Liga President Antonio B. Beltran, SK Federation President Kylie B. Tripulca, City ENRO Head Alexander N. Caning, CDRRMO Head Ernesto T. Elcamel, ESSO Head Ernani B. Suron, CEPPIO Head Allen L. Reondanga, and CHO Surveillance Coordinator Divine Onza, RM as members.

The Kapisanan ng mga Brodkaster ng Pilipinas (KBP), along with the Dept. of Education, Dept. of the Interior and Local Government, and the DOH were enjoined to designate their permanent focal persons to the task force who shall work as partners in promoting cooperation among all stakeholders.

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