CBCP Unveils Logo for 2020, the Year of Ecumenism, Interreligious Dialogue and Indigenous People
To mark the Year of Ecumenism, Interreligious Dialogue and Indigenous Peoples in 2020, the Catholic Church has unveiled a new logo and theme for the celebration.
According to the Catholic Bishops’ Conference of the Philippines, the special year aims to celebrate “the human fraternity by promoting the culture of dialogue as a path to peace”.
It also aims “to work for unity and harmony while respecting diversity and to recognize indigenous peoples’ identities, spiritualities and ancestral domain.”

Released on Nov. 13, the logo features three shapes, two in blue colors and one in red, creating a blank space in the form of heart.
The three shapes, the CBCP said, represents a harmonious dynamism and movement in a circle.
At the center of the heart is the theme for next year: “Dialogue Towards Harmony”.
“Even though the shapes are different, they follow the same direction. The logo is formed by two blocks distinguished by the two colors,” the CBCP said.
“These colors are the same colors as the Filipino flag. The blue color represents the color of the Pacific Ocean and the color of the Filipino islands,” it added.
The red color, on the other hand, represents the textile art of the Indigenous Peoples.
“The two blocks signify dialogue as they face each other forming a heart, which signifies the human fraternity and respect for each other,” the CBCP also said.
The celebration is part of the nine-year “spiritual journey”, which started in 2013, to prepare for the 500th anniversary of the arrival of Christianity in the Philippines in 2021.
The Year of Ecumenism, Interreligious Dialogue and Indigenous Peoples will precede the Year of the Youth, which will officially end on Nov. 24, 2019, the feast of Christ the King.
The remaining year of the preparation will be dedicated to “missio ad gentes” in 2021.