EDITORIAL: An eye opener

True, the successful operation of the Milaor (Cam.Sur) Police Station that led to the arrest of one accused for violation the Bouncing Checks Law (BP 22) is no big deal. But the stature of the person arrested, creates a wider dimension to the otherwise routine police work. Kudos therefore to PNP Milaor.
The controversy engulfing the plight of Ramiro “Ram” Samar (former head of the Naga City People’s Council (NCPC) who got handcuffed for violation of BP 22,should serve as an eye opener, albeit belatedly, to the incumbent officials of the city. NCPC plays a very important role in the charting the future of LGU Naga’s and for that matter, other LGUs replicating the developmental approach of the region’s premier city.
NCPC had been given an imprimatur by virtue of an “Empowerment Ordinance “that became effective sometime in 2017, that recognized an active role of the civil society In governance.
Given such situation, the NCPC plays a very sensitive role in governance. The question is how ready or qualified are those who form part of the body? Along this line, it is of no secret that certain personalities invest much of their time and sometimes even resources for a high profile life.
Most often, being part of a certain body which exercises power and influence is the most effective tool to gain prominence leading to attracting potential investors in ostensibly lucrative ventures via quick money, that unfortunately lead to failure or even bankruptcy.
Our region is no stranger to a number of such scams involving not only lending venture start ups but even banks which have been padlocked by government authorities after a bank run. The modus operandi of some banks and of parties in investment quickies are closely related. Banks attract depositors by offering high interest. Investment scammers lure their targets with huge return of investment. They make it appear that the funds generated have been granted to some parties but who later on turn out to be dummies.
The usual strategy is to start with high profile living, rub elbows with the powers-that- be and the supposed elite just to create an impression of financial stability only to end up being haunted by fiscal notoriety.
In fairness to Samar, the issue as to whether he is liable for violation of BP 22 or worse , in an investment scam, is better left to the court,. There is however is a very thin technical dividing line between issuance of bouncing checks and swindling, which is usually the situation obtaining in investment scams.
In either of the circumstances, two qualities are surely at centerpiece—TRUSTWORTHINESS and CREDIBILITY.
That is why city officials, particularly those clothed with authority, should be more circumspect in the vetting process for the composition of the NCPC.