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A Christmas Special

Being all grown up the meaning of Christmas for me has changed. Why? Because people change and particularly my family has changed. My family became aplenty. Whimsical wishes abound, following trends and the modern times. Shiny new things from hi-tech gadgets to everything glistening that bring shimmering beaming faces.

The trees at the park are bedecked with strings of colorful lights. The malls are adorned with gigantic Christmas trees. Everywhere you look it is a lot like Christmas. Soon it would be the Season of Advent.

One fine Sunday morning, I went to the mall with my older brother. As we passed by a store he exclaimed, “look a white Christmas tree!”, I retorted, “no, it’s silver.” Ours at home is a white Christmas tree. It is one of the whimsical wishes I was telling you about, my younger brother wished for that and it happened.

At this stage of my life, I just wish that everyone would have their wishes to come into fruition. Love and peace and no more war, hope and joy and no more suffering, generosity and prosperity and no more poverty. However, the real world is not like that at all. My wishes may be foolish as they may seem.

Yet, I transfigure my wishes into prayers. After all Christmas is about the Infant Jesus. He was born one fateful night at Bethlehem. And, He Himself said, “ask and you shall receive!”

Yes, I encourage you to pray for whatever special gift or gifts you may want this Christmas. Do not get disheartened and wait for them in His own time. My own father once wrote that indeed, there is a Santa Claus. When he was alive I knew it was him. When he passed away I realized that God was working through him as an instrument of His Spirit. The God of Love. Agape. God is Santa Claus. God is Christmas.

May you have a special Christmas this year, make it your own. Make it meaningful to you. The kind that you will cherish forever. Finally, make it like the rain, a shower of blessings to one and all.

My gift to you is this token of gratitude. What is a writer without a reader? So, may you be inspired by the Holy Spirit! Always and forever.

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