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EDITORIAL: Tisoy’s Proactive Influence

It will still take much time and effort to determine the number of the casualties and full extent of the damages caused by the latest severe weather disturbance that hit the country, most especially the Bicol region. It may even be next to impossible to measure it more realistically.

A few days prior to its entry into the Philippine Area of Responsibility (PAR), typhoon Tisoy, which used to have the international name of Kamuri, threatened to ravage a large portion of the country, practically all weather specialists warned of a widespread super strong winds and massive floods.

Mother nature however seemed to have felt the fears and worries of its children. The once projected to be a very destructive onslaught of a typhoon relented and took pity to a prayerful and remorseful people who have realized the folly of divisiveness and utter disregard to environmental concerns.

Even the local broadcasters have come to their senses. Credit largely belongs to weatherman/professor Michael Padua. The oneness that has never been attained by prominent personalities, KBP (Kapisanan Ng Mga Brodkaster Ng Pilipinas) included saw a glimmer light in the midst of darkness and prospects of a very tragic weather outlook.

Padua, probably knowingly or unknowingly, helped in his own simple way, in galvanizing the congeniality and cooperativeness among some of the local broadcasters, via online teleconference involving several broadcast stations as they compared notes on the direction of Tisoy. As a consequence the need for reliable, competent and timely weather updates was effectively satisfied.

To our recollection, this is only the second time that local broadcasters have truly banded together for a lofty role, the first being the regionwide coverage during the papal visit of Pope John Paul II ,who is already canonized as a saint.

It is sensed that individually, most of the local broadcasters prefer cordiality in the performance of their job. But because of the nature of their employment and of the ownership of the establishment they are working for, some are left no choice but to toe the line and in the process profess blind loyalty for material and political consideration.

Also deserving recognition is the government’s proactive order to suspend not only sea and air but also land travel of trucks and passenger vehicles within the areas projected to be affected by a severely bad weather. This move is long overdue, given that travelers who get stranded due to the situation suffer so much, particularly in terms of food subsistence and accommodation.

Worth recognizing too is the proactive stance of local governments units thats expeditiously evacuated to safer grounds those within the vulnerable areas.

The most noticeable is the all out simultaneous activation of prayer brigades. seeking protection, safety and forgiveness to the Almighty. Led by Archbishop Antonio Tria Tirona in the recital of “Oratio Imperata,” multitudes prayed in unison. And then nature gradually weakened or softened.

Others may not take this readily, but indeed in times of crisis, people become prayerful. Along this line, this coming December 8, a Sunday, happens to be the feast of Immaculate Concepcion. A mere coincidence? Well, life is what we make it.

Anyway, is it fair to just endlessly asking for favor, without returning the favor? God forbid. Mother nature might eventually turn impatients and vent its wrath to ingrate creatures.

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