ENVIRONMENT CLEAN-UP. The El Verde Youth for Climate Action-Buhi Chapter under supervision by the EDMERO under the administration of Camarines Sur Gov. Migz Villafuerte spearheaded a clean-up drive in Manapao Lake Buhi with over 300 youth, residents, and government employees wherein the activity aimed to reduce the clogging caused by the abundance of waterlilies in the lake. Some 400 cubic meters of waterlilies were extracted from the waters. Some of those who lent assistance to the clean-up efforts were MENRO-Buhi, CENRO-Iriga City, PNP and BFP of Buhi, Tau Gamma Phi, BBWAT, LGU Buhi, tribal leaders of San Ramon, and EDMERO-SAR Unit. jmts/rbmjr/mmec121819 with photos from fb_ProvinceofCamSur