3rd Moment: How to deal with Depression

Depression is curable:
Depression is caused by traumatic experience, self-inflicting poverty and constant association with toxic people; but it can be dealt with through healthy humor and unforgettable anecdotes, and by joking seriously and seriously joking. How to do that is anybody’s personal style. -------------------------- Retirement plan and strategy:
When I finally decide to retire from development work, I planned to put up an appliance store where I can offer better terms of payment to my customers - 100% down payment, no interest, and no monthly instalments!
I bought ukay-ukay signature jeans from a store in Cotabato City where I was based. My plan was to have a stock of original Levi’s, Guess, Replay and other expensive jeans so that I will no longer have to buy when I have no more live income.
I was correct; until I realized that the trend for old men was leading to shorts and for feeling young seniors was to tattered jeans. So, I started cutting some into shorts and slicing the legs of others to make them tattered. Now that I decided to go back to action, I am a having problem- I have no more nice jeans to wear for work! ----------------------- Piolo Pascual:
In the land of giants I became a celebrity. While working in Western Samoa I booked through the internet for a weekend furlough in Savai, one of the resort islands. Upon stepping out of the ship i immediately heard someone calling my name and who later led me to the resort's van.
I asked the guy how he recognized me. He said he saw in the internet booking that I am a Filipino so he surmised that I must be small compared to the Samoans. Then he asked me if I know Piolo Pascual. (Piolo and Judy Ann Santos were then famous in the South Pacific for their TV series). I inquired why he asked me. He said I looked like him, Piolo! So, I told him, yes, he is a distant cousin. I HAD A CELEBRITY WEEKEND IN THE RESORT!
When it was time to go back to Apia where I was based, I had to feel more of the same celebrity treatment. The service van of the resort was not available so I was advised to just stand at the roadside, and I will not have a problem. So I did what I was told, and lo and behold all cars, pick-ups and vans that passed by would stop and ask me if I want to have a ride! Finally, I joined a pick-up with 2 guys who gladly took me to the pier with pride and enthusiasm – having the cousin of Piolo Pascual with them.
When I got to the port the ticket window was still closed. Minutes after the window opened, I was trapped among the huge bodies of Samoans who rushed to buy their tickets. I was literally being crushed like a little chick among gentle giants when, in the middle of my dilemma, I heard a big woman at my back offering to buy my ticket. I felt I was really a celebrity, thanks to cousin Piolo! ------------------------- Moral guide:
In the area of moral guidance and social modelling movie and TV personalities rank the highest, followed by politicians. The church seems too far behind. This is the reason why we are misguided and have been sadly and badly been remodeled. ----------------------- Political socks: I have two pairs of socks; one is black the other is yellow. Most of the time I wear the black; but when there are media people around, I wear the yellow. If I am not sure of the time, I combine the colors: one foot black, one foot yellow (From a friend who is not a politician). ----------------------- Staying young:
Modesty and honesty aside, and whether you believe it or not, I really look young than my age of 75. So, whenever my beneficiaries and friends ask me my secret, I am forced to reveal it. I take one teaspoon of Formalin every morning after breakfast. But I don't recommend it to you; I got this feeling that I am incredibly looking credible! ----------------------- Watch for the 4th Moments