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Ex-OFW shoots pal, faces raps

BOMBON, Camarines Sur---Police arrested a former Overseas Filipino Worker (OFW) in the afternoon of Jan. 4 here after he shot his friend who was hit in the chest with an unlicensed and unregistered gun, a report from the Bombon Municipal Police (MPS) said.

Bombon MPS chief, Captain Romel San Andres identified the suspect as Junnie Jollado, 29, of Barangay San Antonio who was arrested for shooting his friend Jimboy Acobera, 29, of the same barangay and an employee of Camarines Sur II Electric Cooperative (CASURECO II) of Calabanga office, Camarines Sur.

San Andres said the suspect admitted the crime but he was freed after posting bail in the amount of P120,000 for the separate case of illegal possession of firearm.

He said the frustrated homicide case against Jollado is yet to be filed because the victim is still in the hospital for treatment of the gunshot wound in his chest.

Based on the police report, at around 4 PM last Jan. 4 at Zone 1, Barangay San Antonio in Bombon, the suspect shot the victim with an Amscor caliber .45 pistol after a heated argument.

The father of the suspect, Leonardo Jollado reported the shooting incident to the police authorities, who in turn went to the crime scene and arrested the shooter.

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