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UNC lass wins Rizal award

NAGA CITY --- A Bicolana senior college student of the University of Nueva Caceres (UNC) has been chosen as one of the winners in the 2019 Search for Jose Rizal Model Students of the Philippines (JRMSP), the school information office announced recently.

Joel Criscini, UNC spokesperson said Ana Marie B. De Villa received her award at the Rizal Park Hotel in Manila on Dec. 30, 2019 as one of the top 10 winners in the prestigious search for outstanding students in the country.

He said De Villa, a 4th year BS Accountancy student, together with the nine other winners were recognized for their multifaceted Rizalian Excellence manifested in academic distinction, campus leadership and community engagement. The winners were also selected for best emulating the country’s national hero’s lofty ideals, civic virtues and courageous nationalism.

De Villa won the award because she exemplified all the JRMSP qualities. She combined both exemplary academic performance and active involvement in school and community activities, Criscini said.

De Villa’s nomination paper also stated that “she is a consistent Dean’s Lister and has occupied various leadership positions particularly in the Junior Philippine Institute of Accountants. As an Accountancy student, she has won in regional accounting quiz bowls. She was a university student ambassador and associate editor of the Tycoon, the newsletter of the College of Business and Accountancy. She was also the project head of the peer tutorial for 1st Year accountancy students that facilitated seminars for students.

She was a student volunteer in community projects of the College of Business and Accountancy notably on livelihood projects and feeding programs for adopted communities. In recognition of her active involvement in campus and community projects she was given the Student Service Award during the University Recognition Ceremony on April 2019.

The JRMSP search is sponsored by the Order of the Knights of Rizal, a non-political, non-sectarian organization, created by law to propagate Rizalian ideals and teachings throughout the country. (AAFullante)

UNC’s PRIDE. Ana Marie B. De Villa holds her trophy as one of the winners in the search for Jose Rizal Model Students of the Philippines 2019 sponsored by the Knights of Columbus.

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