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Archbishop’s Message on COVID 19

My dear Priests, Religious and faithful of the Archdiocese of Caceres.

Taking into serious considerations the various preventive measures recommended against COVID19, I enjoin you all to intensify our prayers invoking especially the Divino Rostro for the containment and eventual eradication of COVID19.

With our intense prayers, let us combine our support and assistance to those in dire need.

I therefore ask you Parish Priests and Religious to facilitate the Divino Rostro novena prayers in your parishes and Religious communities.

Calm our faithful, encourage them to follow health recommendations and storm Heaven with our humble prayers.

Divino Rostro, protect us!

Our Lady of Peñafrancia, pray for us!

God bless us all!

+Rolando J. Tria Tirona, OCD Archbishop of Caceres

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