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Casureco IV offers special options to power consumers

The office of Casureco IV in Partido area.

The Camarines Sur IV Electric Cooperative in the Partido district in partnership with the Philippine Rural Electric Cooperatives Association, Inc.,(Philreca) recently launched the Pantawid Liwanag Program (PLP) to lessen the financial difficulties of its consumers.

Casureco IV has offered three options to its consumers in paying their outstanding electricity bills for the months of March and April 2020.

These options are: a consumer is free from paying his/her bills for the period of March and April if the electric consumptions will not exceed 20 kilowatt hour(kWh) per month; second, a consumer may utilize the bill deposit for the payment of electric consumption; and, the bill will be paid through a staggered basis within four months, provided that upon application for this option, the consumer has to pay the first installment of the equally divided four installments, and the remaining three installments due will be added to the succeeding monthly bills from May to August 2020.

The details of this payment options are posted in Casureco IV’s official website.

Many consumers welcomed the program as it gives them a sort of a financial relief during the community quarantine period.

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