QUARANTINE AID. Camarines Sur Gov. Migz Villafuerte and the provincial government immediately mobilized a Food Assistance Program to extend tangible help to the provincial constituents severely displaced and affected by the Enhanced Community Quarantine imposed by the national government to the Island of Luzon starting March 16, 2020 in a swift response on the spread of the COVID-19 that has crippled the world economies and disrupted lives and living of the global communities. In the local scene such as this, an orderly distribution of food assistance to the residents of the different barangays in Iriga City wherein municipal officials worked with Capitol personnel while still observing the protocol on social distancing is undertaken and replicated in other towns badly needing this kind of assistance at this time. jmts/rbmjr/mmec05062020 with photos from fb_GovMigzVillafuerte