Sipocot Fire Station intensifies COVID-19 decon activities
NAGA CITY --- With the threat of Covid-19 far from over, various government agencies are coming up with strategies to stop the virus from further spreading.
One of the most active agencies is the Bureau of Fire Protection (BFP) here in Camarines Sur under the stewardship of Supt Achilles M. Santiago, Camarines Sur provincial fire marshal.
Santiago issued a directive to his personnel to focus most of their activities in ensuring that the surroundings are clean and traces of virus are wiped off through continuous decontamination of facilities and areas frequented and visited by different individuals.

Decontamination procedures of the personal belongings of 28 newly arrived persons under monitoring at the designated quarantine facility. (Photo by Sipocot Fire Station)
The Sipocot Fire Station (SFS) headed by acting municipal fire marshal Insp. Vincent Albert G. Garchitorena led various Covid-19 related activities in its area of jurisdiction, with particular emphasis on decontamination of personnel, ambulances, patrol cars, and rescue vehicles among others.
SFS team also visited various barangays in Sipocot where they are also conducted decontamination activities. These barangays include: Calagbangan; Tara; North and South Centro; Impig; Malubago; Metro Poblacion; Gaongan; Serranzana; Tula-tula; Salvacion; and Vigaan.
They are also undertook disinfection activities in various offices of the local government unit of Sipocot, market site, Rural Health Unit (RHU) facilities, Tara Quarantine Control Point, checkpoints and borders, terminals, private offices, gasoline stations, and banks.
Government offices also benefited from the daily cleansing activities such as those of the Department of Environment and Natural Resources, Philippine National Police, Sipocot District Hospital, and others.
Decontamination activity is also being regularly carried out at the Sipocot North Central School, which is being used as a quarantine facility and other related establishments being used by volunteers and Covid-19 frontliners.
Sipocot fire personnel who are also acting as frontliners undergo regular decontamination procedures after their duties and during the turn-over of checkpoint duties.
The fire station, its garage and barracks, personal protective equipment (PPEs) and fire trucks are also subjected through the rigid regiment of disinfection procedure.
On top of the aforementioned Covid-19 activities, the fire station responds to fire calls and water distribution activities in areas in need of water. -PIAV