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Daily Online Masses Wrap Up

With the implementation of precautionary measures against the Covid-19 pandemic, we have been restricted to stay within our homes, and to suspend the public celebration of Masses. Despite the aforementioned measures, we continued to gather as a community of faith at the altar, albeit from the safety of our home. Since the implementation of the Community Quarantine in March, we have participated in the Holy Mass through social media, television, and radio.

While we continue to receive the fruits of the Mass through the mass media, we recognize that there is no substitute for the actual attendance in Eucharistic Celebrations, and the reception of the sacramental Body and Blood of Christ.

Therefore, with the resumption of Public Masses in all Churches and Parishes in the Archdiocese of Caceres, the Caceres Commission on Communications (CCCom) will gradually conclude the Daily LIVE Broadcast of Eucharistic Celebrations. However, the LIVE Broadcast of Sunday Masses will continue, at 06:30 am, and 05:00 pm.

For this week, the CCCom will broadcast LIVE Masses only on Monday, Wednesday, Friday, and Saturday. Please be guided with the schedule below.

For those who are unable to physically attend Masses in Churches, LIVE Broadcasts of Daily Eucharistic Celebrations are still available on the Social Media Account of various Parishes in the Archdiocese.

We thank you for joining us in our Daily LIVE Broadcast. We are as well grateful for the volunteers who extended their commitment and service to this endeavor. Dios Mabalos! #CCComCaceres #CaceresMedia

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