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Caceres Preparatory Seminary Reopens

Holy Rosary Preparatory Seminary in San Jose, Camarines Sur is set to reopen this year 2020. The seminary is a department of the Holy Rosary Seminary of the Archdiocese of Caceres that provides avenue of formation for aspirants to priesthood.

With the new mandate from the Vatican to include the propaedeutic year to prepare young men for priesthood to develop readiness through human formation and spirituality, the Archdiocese of Caceres decides to reopen the seminary as special center for aspirants.

The Preparatory seminary holds one year program as preparations for the stage of candidacy at the Holy Rosary Major Seminary.

It was in 2016 when the seminary formation of the aspirants was transferred to the Major Seminary, and the existing building was temporarily used by the Instituto de Caceres-San Jose.

Students who intend to discern their vocation to priestly life who graduated of Senior High School or in college level may contact the Vocation Director (Fr Jay Jacinto) 09173220350 for inquiries.

in picture: Archbishop Rolando Tria Tirona, OCD DD, together with Fr Wilfred Almoneda, parish priest of St Joseph Parish, Fr Eugene Lubigan (Oeconomus), Fr Jay Jacinto (Rector and Vocation Director) and Fr Eric Bobis (Formator).

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