13 Seminarians Formally Welcomed at the Holy Rosary Preparatory Seminary
Last August 16, the First Day at the Preparatory Seminary in San Jose Camarines Sur, Fr. Jay Jacinto, the new Rector with Fr. Eric Bobis, formator welcome the new batch of seminarians. 13 brothers accepted the Call.

Posted at their FB Page: “We welcome these young men who responded to enter the seminary. Thanks to the parents, parish priests, relatives and friends who found way to assist the brothers to the seminary.
Let’s pray for their perseverance.”
Meanwhile, the Holy Rosary Minor Seminary will start their online classes on August 24, 2020.
In his communication to the priests, Fr Mario Gaite said the Covid19 pandemic has changed the landscapes of seminary formation. He called this new normal program as Holy Rosary Minor Seminary Formation At Home (HRmS-FAH). He appealed to the parish priests to support the parents in their important role on their sons’ formation.
The HRmS online orientation seminar with their rector, Fr. Mario Gaite.