Seminary Formation Opens
The Holy Rosary Major, Minor and Preparatory Seminaries formally opened their formation program last August 23 with the solemn Mass of the Holy Spirit at the San Jose Parish Church with Archbshop Rolando J Tria Tirona as the presider.
The seminary priests joined the celebration which was highlighted by the inatallation of the new rector of the precollege seminary, Fr Jay Jacinto. The seminarians attended the celebration online.
Archbishop Tirona encouraged the seminary community to persevere amidst the pandemic. Due to crisis, some did not continue for the reason that they chose to help their families with their business or will study another course to financially assist their families.
A seminary is where future priests are formed. It is venue of formation that is not only about the academics as it also involves community, human, pastoral, spiritual aspect.
The archbishop is also raising funds for scholarship grants for the seminarians and also for the support for the operations of the three seminaries during this crisis.
Indeed this is very difficult and hard times. We are all affected by COVID-19. All are suffering. We need to do more sacrifices and be willing to serve and to share our resources.