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50 Camarines Sur farmers get land titles

By Keren Anne Bernadas

A total of 50 agrarian reform beneficiaries (ARBs) from Pasacao, Camarines Sur, took their oath to receive land titles for a 303-hectare land from the national government on Tuesday, Feb. 13.

The oath-taking ceremony was part of the Support to Parcelization of Lands for Individual Titling (SPLIT) Project of the Department of Agrarian Reform in the Bicol region.

SPLIT aims to fast-track the subdivision of the land they till.

After the administration of oath, Arsevic Pagatpat, an agrarian reform program officer, facilitated the registration of ARBs to the Registry System for Basic Sectors in Agriculture.

This process abides by the New Agrarian Emancipation Act, which mandates that all ARBs be included in the system and entitled to all support services.

The beneficiaries participated in an orientation program, which allowed them to identify their obligations under the Agrarian Reform Law, so as to make their land productive.

SPLIT also follows a routine of field visitations and screening processes for the subdivision of collective certificates of land ownership award.

The government-owned properties are located in Tinalmud, Pasacao, Camarines Sur.

Marilyn Isaac, one of the title recipients, said that the lot would benefit the generation that will come after them.

“Maipapamana mi na sa wakas ang lupa sa inda (Our children would inherit this land),” she said.

“We are grateful to DAR for fulfilling our long-standing wish. This will enable my family to have a sustainable livelihood through coconuts,” she added.

The ceremony’s officiator, Judge Jose Agualada III of the Municipal Circuit Trial Court of Pasacao,reminded the ARBs of their duties and responsibilities that come with the award. (PIA5/Camarines Sur)

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