Archbishop to new parish priests: Be men of faith
By Myrna S. Bermudo
The installation of a new parish priest is a community occasion where the priest is formally presented to the parish in a Eucharistic celebration.
In the liturgical ceremony, the parish priest and the faithful are reminded of their responsibility to serve Christ in His Church, and by the example of their lives, promote the mission of the Lord.
Caceres Archbishop Rolando J. Tria Tirona, OCD, DD, during the installation, exhorts the pastor on his role as parish priest: “The priest represents Christ. Jesus came and called people to believe in him as the Son of God, sent by God the Father. Believe in Christ, the One who is sent. The priest is a man of faith. He is responsible to deepen the faith of the Christian community.”
Most of the installation ceremonies are well attended: priests, religious, officers and members of the parish and barangay pastoral councils, parish religious organizations. Officials of the local government are also invited to witness the occasion.
The Office of the Archbishop has released the schedule of installation of parish priests this October and November.
The assignments of these priests were announced by Fr. Darius Romualdo, chancellor of the Archdiocese of Caceres during the Chrism Mass 2022 at the Naga Metropolitan Cathedral. The assignment took effect August 8.
On October 2, Fr. Mario Arnulfo Gaite was installed as parish priest of St. Anthony Parish, Iriga; Fr. Misael Quindo, Our Lady of Prompt Succor Parish, Haring, Canaman to be installed on October 8; Fr. Ricky Colinares, Our Lady of Remedies Parish, Curry, Pili, on October 9; Fr. Leon Fajardo, St. Jude Thaddeus Parish, San Miguel, Bato on October 12.
On November 12, Fr. Emmanuel Quiros, will be installed in Divino Rostro Parish, Bahi, Garchitorena. Fr. Bernie Ramirez, St. Bernard Abbot Parish, Ocampo on November 13. Fr. Ramirez replaces Fr. Rey Caceres who died June 9. Fr. Reynaldo Chavez, Holy Family Parish, Sagrada, Tinambac on November 19; Fr. Emmanuel Mojica, St. Anthony of Padua Parish, Camaligan on November 19; Fr. Lyndon Fabul, Rosa Mystica Parish, Antipolo, Tinambac on November 20 and Fr. Rudyard Kip Bicaldo, St. John Vianney Parish, San Ramon, Iriga City on November 27.
In July, Fr. Jay Aguilar was installed in Bikal, Caramoan; In August, Fr. Salvador Crucillo in Tapayas, Balatan; Fr. Paul Corre In Gingaroy, Tigaon; Fr. Tito Oliva in Sabang, San Jose. During the month of September: Fr. Joven Abaño in Santiago, Iriga City; Fr. Alex Guimpol in Bombon, Fr. Dionisio Gaviño in Balaton, Lagonoy; Fr. Ronald Angeles in Digdigon, Goa; Fr. Glenn Ruiz in Concepcion Grande and Fr. William Parde Jr. in Buhi.
Rev. Msgr. Rodel Cajot, PC, vicar general of the archdiocese has this to say on the number of years of assignments: “In general, the policy of the Archdiocese of Caceres regarding the parish assignments is: six years for parish priests and two years for the assistant pastor. This is not an absolute application since there are unforeseen events which can change the duration of the assignment. “
The Book of Canon Law explains the role of the pastor. “The pastor (parochus) is the proper pastor of the parish entrusted to him, exercising the pastoral care of the community committed to him under the authority of the diocesan bishop in whose ministry of Christ he has been called to share, so that for that same community he carries out the functions of teaching, sanctifying, and governing, also with the cooperation of other presbyters or deacons and with the assistance of lay members of the Christian faithful, according to the norm of law.” (Part II Chapter VI Can. 519)

Archbishop Adolfo Tito Yllana, DD, (third from left) Apostolic Nuncio to Israel and Cyprus, was joined by the Bicol bishops and the sisters of Carmel of the Immaculate Heart of Mary in Naga City for a souvenir photo. On 29 September, the archbishop marked his golden sacerdotal jubilee with a concelebrated Eucharistic celebration at the chapel of the Naga Carmelite Monastery. It was in this chapel where he had his Mass of thanksgiving a day after his ordination, fifty years ago. From left to right: Jose Alan Dialogo of Sorsogon, Rex Andrew Alarcon of Daet, Archbishop Tito Yllana, the community of cloistered nuns of Carmel, Archbishop Rolando Tria Tirona of Caceres, Jose Rojas of Libmanan, and Manolo de los Santos of Virac. (/MSB CCCom Photo Dante Garcia)