CPCP on St. John Vianney Sunday: “We are invited to care.”
By JC Madrid
In celebration of St. John Baptiste Marie Vianney Sunday on 01 August 2021, the Catholic Bishops Conference of the Philippines (CBCP) released a Homily which was read in all Masses on the aforementioned day. In it, the Conference invited the public to care by responding to the bodily and spiritual hunger of the faithful.
Recalling the Sunday’s Readings which centered on the Israelites’ hunger in the dessert and on Jesus as the Bread of Life, the CBCP noted that in our present context, many are hungry because of the pandemic. As such, the homily says, “those who were given enough by God are invited by him to share with the less fortunate the blessing they received.”
Turning its focus on the celebration of St. John Vianney Sunday, the CBCP also called on parents to put Christ at the center of their families, especially as it is where priests come from. In part, the homily says, “a priest comes from a family which lives according to the example of Christ. The son becomes attracted to Jesus so that when Jesus calls him he responds without reservation. We are calling on parents therefore to let Jesus be a member of your family. Consult him every time you make decisions. Make him part of your family occasions.”
St. John Baptist Marie Vianney is the Patron of Priests. His feast is celebrated every 04 August, however the Sunday nearest to it is celebrated as St. John Marie Vanney Sunday. In it, we are called to pray for our priests so that they may remain true to their mission in the name of Christ.