CSCCI-MuraMart Online Community Pantry
It’s not a virus, yet it’s highly contagious.
It’s the spirit of joyful giving among Filipinos, igniting the hearts of many to set up community pantries all over the country, that inspired the Cam Sur Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Inc. (CSCCI) and MuraMart to start something unique.
Promoting civic-mindedness or bayanihan, while being mindful of the need to comply with health protocols, and ensure sanitation and orderliness , CSCCI and MuraMart birthed the idea to utilize technology in its one-of-a kind, “Online Community Pantry.” This pantry is distinct from the popularized community pantries where people need not endure the rain or stay in long lines for hours just to get food items under the heat of the sun.

CSCCI-MuraMart Online Community Pantry is a “no contact” delivery scheme of delivering assistance to our Covid-stricken populace where food packs containing rice, eggs, smoked fish, sugar and assorted vegetables were delivered by MURAmart riders right at the doorstep of each beneficiary where a designated chair was prepared. From its inception last May 1 to May 7, CSCCI already distributed thousands of food packs to pre-identified beneficiaries. CSCCI aired this initiative last April via DWKM-FM 100.7 and received calls and text messages from all over the city where they picked out some of the first batch of beneficiaries. Simultaneous with the promotion over the radio was the invitation via internet through CSCCI FB account and MURAmart app.
The recipients of this Online Community Pantry during the first wave of distribution was from these seven ( 7) barangays of Naga City: Bgy. Cararayan, Bgy. Triangulo, Bgy Lerma, Bgy. Del Rosario, Bgy. Concepcion Pequeña, Bgy. Igualdad, and Bgy. Mabolo. Other food packs were received by individuals who requested via MURAmart application online, and some were from the CSCCI Facebook page. CSCCI and its stakeholders are hopeful that this project will be sustained as long as there is a need for it during this trying times and people are willing to roll up their sleeves to come together and help out. ADT/SDH/ADA.