DA delivers 85 composting facilities to farmers
By Connie Calipay
LEGAZPI CITY --- The Department of Agriculture (DA) through the Bureau of Soils and Water Management (BSWM) in Bicol has started to distribute 85 units of composting facilities for biodegradable wastes to different farmer cooperatives and associations (FCAs) in Bicol.
Lovella Guarin, DA-Bicol information officer, on Tuesday said 52 units were already delivered to FCAs in Camarines Sur, eight units to Camarines Norte; nine in Albay; nine in Sorsogon; three in Catanduanes; and four in Masbate.
On the other hand, Water Resources Management Division chief Ernesto B. Brampio said the establishment of a composting facility for biodegradable waste (CFBW) is a P3-billion undertaking funded under the Rice, High-Value Crops Development Program (HVCDP) and Organic Agriculture (OA) Program designed to augment the DA’s fertilizer subsidy by sustaining its provision to local farmers to boost their production.
Brampio said each CFBW package can produce 800 kilograms to one ton of compost equivalent to six bags per week or 2,040 bags of organic fertilizer per month.
Composting can boost soil health, minimize the risks of using synthetic fertilizers and protect the environment by reducing, reusing and recycling biodegradable wastes.
Each FCA will receive one CFBW technology package consisting of one size reduction machine unit and one rotary composter unit.
“The BSWM team together with DA-Bicol Rice Program staff will facilitate the on-site demonstration and training on compost production and facility management to ensure the program’s effectiveness and sustainability. The recipient associations are expected to submit a monthly report of organic fertilizers produced,” Brampio said in a statement.
He encouraged other FCAs to avail of the composting facility under this year’s funding.
“Proponents may submit their letter of intent to BSWM Director Gina P. Nilo or DA-Bicol Regional Executive Director Rodel P. Tornilla. The DA-Bicol Rice Program and BSWM Soil and Water Area Coordinators (SWAC) will evaluate and assess the proponents’ application and documentary requirements and conduct site validation,” she said.
Balanced fertilization strategy is a soil fertilization and site-specific nutrient management strategy that applies the “4R” concept of fertilization -- right source, right placement, right amount and the right rate of fertilizer used to improve soil health.