Grateful Vincentian Nurses, Grounded in Loving Service Through The Years

VIVA LA VIRGEN! VIVA EL DIVINO ROSTRO! The USIBSN90 celebrated their 33rd Grand Alumni Homecoming filled with gratitude in their hearts for the blessings and gift of life shared in selfless service and love through the years. What better way to bless the gathering than that of attending the traditional Traslacion (transfer of image) procession of the Our Lady of Peñafrancia Patroness of the Bicol Region with the Image of the Divino Rostro in Naga City on Friday, September 8, the Feast of the Divino Rostro and Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary.Cheers resounded from the swarm of jubilant voyadores and throngs of devotees. The theme for the celebration of the El Divino Rostro is: “A renewed church journeying with Christ through Christ and in Christ;” while the theme for solemn fiesta for Ina is: “Journeying with Ina in deepening our relationship with God in this challenging times.” The Vincentians joined the procession which started at Basilica Minore and ended at the Naga Metropolitan Cathedral for the Eucharistic Celebration. In his message, Archdiocese of Caceres Archbishop Most Rev. Rolando J. Tria Tirona, OCD DD stated Mary’s motherly benevolence and compassion in the lives of her devotees, especially during the COVID -19 pandemic. The unwavering faith of these devotees shielded them from the devastating effect of the virulent disease. We showed during the pandemic how we faced our difficult experiences, strengthened by our devotion to Ina. Vincentian nurses in varied work settings from all over the world are the unsung heroes of our time. Going to work during this COVID-19 pandemic has placed frontline workers under immense and unprecedented pressure, putting their physical, mental and social well-being at risk. COVID-19 has made this a challenging time for everyone. But no one has faced the realities of the pandemic more continuously and more completely than our frontline healthcare workers. They face the same fears and restrictions we all do at home, but they’re committed to dealing with the virus face to face every day at work as well.Their devotion to Ina and the Divino Rostro protected and strengthened them to go on serving patients, residents and the community at large all over the globe.The official three-day celebration started with the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass with Rev, Father Rex Luis Hidalgo as the Main Celebrant held at USI Chapel on September 9, 2023, tour and courtesy call to the USI Nursing Department ensued after. September 10 and 11, 2023 were spent at Katha Beach Resort Siruma CS where fun, games led by Y, Zumba by Danny Laurente, programs and presentations by both the OFWs and Philippine Based batchmates, Videoke, swimming, massage, fire dance, bonfire, boodle fight and all the food preparations supervised by the Philippine Leader, Mrs Crisanta Toral Arcilla and other activities provided a chance to weave beautiful memories, catching up with old friends, getting to know their former classmates as adults and reminisce about memories from College days. Third day, September 11, 2023 is the Gala Night , an all white themed party decorated by batchmates headed by the newly appointed Batch Leader, Marissa Ruiz Tolentino was held at Doña Jamora Hall, Villa Caceres Hotel,NC where former Clinical Instructors, namely Mrs Teresita B. Pambid and Mr Boboy Alcana were present and gave inspiring messages to their former students. Gift giving to everyone through Raffle donated by Mrs Ana Maria Fabillar Blackledge based in Australia, tokens and distribution of certficates and souvenir items, presentations, birthday tribute to Ms Gina Remetir, music, band performances, dancing made the night magical and extra special. September 12, 2023 was spent with the residents at the Gift of Love/Missionaries of Charity along Concepcion Naga City. Our deepest gratitude to the presence and generosity of Yrene Dorol Alinood, Hon. Joselito del Rosario for the 80 food packs, Ryan for sponsoring the clown and native fans as prizes, Rene for delivering the food, Mrs Elizabeth Moll for the 6 packs of small towels as gifts to our beloved MC residents, helpers and the Missionaries of Charity Sisters, Mr Melvin Abilay Managoang and Ms Jen, for programs and games facilitation that brought smiles to our Lolos and Lolas, Mrs Cristsy Magsino Palma owner of Bob Marlin for the 100 pcs of bread and Mrs Kathleen Marquez De Villa Owner of 3N Bakeshop for the provision of bread this fiesta season. Thank you for the sacrifices, prayers and mass intentions of the Missionaries of Charity sisters for the intention of USIBSN90 batch and their families, donors and pilgrims. Thank you for the rosaries,medals and stampitas given to us.Truly, the spirit and charism of St Mother Teresa of Calcutta is being lived out till today by the MC sisters.Her witness of the Gospel and the profound example of “sharing poverty” with the most vulnerable is the enduring legacy and attractiveness of her religious life which bears fruit today throughout the world in the continuing ministry of the Sisters of Charity.What is truly prophetic about Mother Teresa and her sisters is that when they speak of loving God and neighbor, and “sharing poverty”, it defies the logic of many of our institutions and agencies that prefer political agendas and programs for the poor instead of deep, personal communion and a presence which respects the dignity of the person.Lord God, You came to give honor to the least, those forgotten, overlooked and misjudged elderlies. In the remaining years of their lives ,may we be their sons and daughters in the absence of their families who abandoned and could not care for them in their poverty. You came to give first place to the last, those left behind, misunderstood and undervalued. You came to give a warm welcome to the lost, those who are abandoned and destitute older persons .Help us to be your ears to listen to their cries. Help us to be your voice speaking out love and acceptance. Help us to be your feet walking beside those in need. Help us to be your hands to clothe, feed and shelter them. Help us to be merciful and sensitive to their needs. Help us address the deep longings of their heart and bring smiles to their faces by our love and service .Help us to empty ourselves from the comforts of this world so that we can be more selfless as we serve You through our elderlies You came for the least, the lost and last of this world , Lord help and guide us to be just like You in love.

Turn to me your sweet eyes, oh most loving Virgin of Peñafrancia, and have mercy on my soul that comes to you full of repentance. Protect my families, my relatives, my friends and benefactors. Intercede for your devotees, both the living and the departed, especially for those whom I am most obliged to help. Pray for me, console me, and save me. In the hours of peril, adversity and affliction, above all, in the hour of my death, appear before your divine Son to help me and defend me. Tell Him that I am your devotee. That having complete trust in your protection, I kneel before your miraculous image to ask for your powerful intercession. Virgin of Peñafrancia, pray for me, help me, console me and deliver me from all evil. AMEN.