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Have a Catholic lifestyle - Archbishop

By Myrna S. Bermudo

On Ash Wednesday, Caceres Archbishop Rolando J. Tria Tirona proposed to the faithful to live a Catholic lifestyle.

In his homily, the Archbishop has explained three important things that must be lived out daily, not just during the season of lent.

“First important thing is to have a daily self- examination,” explained Archbishop Tirona. “An unexamined life is not worth living. Before sleeping, we must look back and examine the day to see our real self, our mistakes and our limitations. We thank God for all His blessings for the day and ask for His forgiveness for what we have failed to do. All of us will ultimately meet death, thus we are reminded that - we all came from dust and to dust we shall return. Our daily self- examination will help us humble ourselves. We also have a chance to call on God to help us on how we can improve our Christian life. Today, secularization is leading us to forget God. Thus, we are invited through the second reading : Let us be reconciled with God.”

“The second important thing is conversion.” For the Archbishop, it is important to call on God to help us be converted and to return to him. He challenged the faithful to focus on the compassion of God- to look at the cross of Jesus and His saving love which conquered sin and death.

Eucharistic Celebration and Imposition of Ashes presided by Archbishop Rolando J. Tria Tirona, OCD, DD at the Metropolitan Cathedral and Parish of St. John the Evangelist, Elias Angeles St., Pilgrim City of Naga on February 22, Ash Wednesday (Photo credit: CCCom)

“To be a better person. This must be the end goal of each of us. It’s not enough to feel good. Our goal must be a better person, “ Tirona admonished. “How do we do the three pillars of Christian piety: prayer,fasting and almsgiving? But how do we practice this? We do this not to be applauded. Do it all in secret. Only then God will bless us. Our pious religious practices need authenticity not pakitang tao lang.”

“Come, let us journey towards authenticity of our Catholic faith,” said Tirona.

Archbishop Tirona led the Eucharistic Celebration and imposition of ashes at the Metropolitan Cathedral and Parish of St. John the Evangelist in the pilgrim city of Naga during the 6:30 am mass on February 22. The archdiocese has returned the placing of ashes on the forehead.


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