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Ina’s Insightful Ikigai

The candles started to be blown away by the wind more impactful this year. At least two lost their lives. There will come a time that my late father’s remarks, “we are dwindling,” would become more apt. But at present, not yet.

I rejoined the Traslacion last year with my Batchmates from my high school. We were at least forty-strong. This year it was pretty much the same. A newbie was ecstatic. He had a wonderful experience.

In my early school days, both grade school and high school, we participated in the Traslacion procession. Our schools are Catholic educational institutions. We would be told by our teachers that we would fall in line and proceed to the Naga Cathedral to kiss or touch the Manto of Ina.

Those two events became traditions. I missed them. You know what? I live in Naga City. Hence, I could just do that one during ordinary days. But to tell you frankly, it is, definitely, not the same.

So, recently, I would queue at the Naga Cathedral to pay homage to the Queen. Now in my adult years it is all the more meaningful. Why? Well, I am comforted. As children we do not have worries to flood our days. We need Ina now more than ever. Problems are prevalent.

A refuge, a respite, a reflection: these are just some of the reasons we seek her presence, her protection, and her power. She can intercede for our intentions. How can our Good Shepherd refuse His own Mother.

The hometown is sure very glad at this time of the year. September is the biggest month in terms of celebrations here in The City of Naga. The joy is contagious. It is festive, fun-filled, and feverish. No regrets so far for this author.

This must be what heaven is like. Everyone is a little bit more kind, more thoughtful, and more excited. I guess this is the season where there are a lot more smiles on the faces of people.

Artist are more alive aesthetically. Singers sing more sweetly. Musicians play their instruments more melodiously. Military-trained-students march more musically with almost perfect cadences. And painters paint more poetically. Their artistry have confluences that make the audiences at least satisfied if not captivated. In my own two cents worth, they are underrated. They are the pride of Bicolandia.

Yes. It is a feast and a celebration. However we should like to be reminded to have moments of insightful invocations. May we have a heart-to-heart talk with Ina and her Son. To tell her all our wishes, our problems, and our fears. In our thoughts, in our hearts, in our minds, and in our souls. It would be different. Different but good. In just one word-- meaningful.

If you are praying for healing, do so fervently. Maybe, you will have your miracle. Myriad problems plague the world. They may seem impossible to bear but with God nothing is impossible. Fear not, my reader, like you I pray for miracles. But do not forget, unanswered petitions are ways that God tell us to wait, to persevere, and there is a much better gift coming for us. God’s will and God knows best.

Essentially, keep praying until the very end. When there is life there is hope. Keep going and don’t you quit. It is a pilgrimage. A walking mission towards a path that leads to our purpose. To meet our Creator. And ultimately, to see His Divine Face.

Isn’t it something to look forward to? Aren’t you invigorated? Refreshed? Now that you are, do more good deeds. Practice kindness. Put away envy. Find your purpose and your mission.

How? Let us pray for the gift of Ikigai. What is Ikigai? Well, it is an illuminating Japanese concept that has something to do with finding what makes your life meaningful by doing what you love, what you are good at, and what the world needs.

For example, take me for instance, your humble guinea pig in this laboratory we call life-- I write, write, and write. I love writing, yes, isn’t it obvious? Modesty aside, people say I am quite good at it. And you know that song with the lyrics-- what the world needs now, is love sweet love. It’s the only thing that there’s just too little of. No not just for some but for everyone. That is it. Just do it.

Ikigai is doing what the world needs. And inspirational writing is doing just that, don’t you think?

(Why are most of the titles of my column in alliteration form? A book with a compilation of my articles will be published as soon as A to Z titles had been completed. Its title is: “The ABCs of Life”)

Any topic recommendation or just want to say hello? Send a message to: Email: | And, please do subscribe @jameszcarpio on YouTube. Thank You. May you be inspired by The Holy Spirit and God Bless!


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